Legal System Programs

LCADV provides several types of Legal Systems Advocacy Training, striving to eliminate domestic violence through systems advocacy, public education and social change. We provide Coordinated Community Response Team Development, training and technical assistance for law enforcement and civil legal advocacy. LCADV sits on the Louisiana Protective Order Registry Steering Committee and the Louisiana Domestic Violence Prevention Commission.

The Expert Witness Project is a network of qualified experts in domestic violence who provide expert witness testimony in both civil and criminal legal matters on behalf of survivors of domestic violence. These qualified experts are advocates who currently or formerly worked for domestic violence programs, individuals who have worked in law enforcement, the medical profession, etc. who have expertise in domestic violence.

Click here to learn more.

Domestic violence is a complex social problem and the safety, healing and empowerment of victims of domestic violence and their children is best promoted when responses, services and resources are coordinated, victim-centered, trauma-informed and focused on holding offenders accountable. LCADV supports the development, implementation and enhancement of domestic violence-specific coordinated community response teams within local communities across Louisiana by offering:
  • Regional and local trainings/workshops on various related topics
  • Written materials and tools to guide these team throughout their existence (sample recruitment letters, agendas, memos-of-understanding and confidentiality agreements; PowerPoint slides on various CCRT related topics that can be used to guide meetings; activities that can be used to ensure that meetings are engaging and promoting the goals of CCRTs; and assessment tools)
  • Facilitation or guidance to facilitators of CCRT meetings; facilitation, guidance and tools to engage in CCRT strategic planning and assessment processes, and any additional technical assistance needed to help ensure that domestic violence-specific coordinated community response teams develop across our state are effectively implemented, and continue functioning in a healthy and productive manner to promote the safety, healing and empowerment of domestic violence survivors and their children.
LCADV provides technical assistance and trainings to law enforcement, and additional trainings can be developed or modified to meet your agency’s specific needs.

Contract with LCADV to provide on-site training.

Standard Length: 1 hour – 1.5 hours
Ideal for: Social workers, behavioral health professionals, child welfare professionals, CASA/CAC staff and volunteers or any professional seeking to understand domestic violence.

This training provides in depth information regarding domestic violence dynamics and statistics based on the latest research and promising practices in the domestic violence field. Participants will leave with an understanding of:

  • Advanced domestic violence dynamics
  • Power and control in abusive relationships
  • Types of domestic violence
  • Batterer tactics
  • Re-envisioning the cycle of abuse

Schedule a Domestic Violence 101 training in your area.

Standard Length: 3 hours

Ideal for: Law enforcement, Judiciary, Corrections, Advocates, Prosecution.

The Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) is the first empirically validated domestic violence risk assessment tool that assesses the risk of future domestic assault and the frequency and severity of future assaults. It is the preferred risk assessment tool for the state of Louisiana. ODARA should not be implemented in your community without proper training on the tool from an authorized trainer. LCADV has a network of authorized trainers throughout the state. This training addresses:

  • Risk assessment in domestic violence cases
  • Development and purposes of ODARA
  • Validations of ODARA
  • ODARA instructions and scoring
  • Hands-on practice scenarios for ODARA scoring
  • Guidance on implementation of ODARA in your jurisdiction
  • ODARA scorebook and materials for implementation are included with this training

Learn about our ODARA training.

Schedule an ODARA Risk Assessment training in your area.