A Celebration of Excellence

A Celebration of Excellence:
Standing Together Against Domestic Violence

You are invited to join The Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence’s annual reception, A Celebration of Excellence: Standing Together Against Domestic Violence, a night set aside to recognize and honor domestic violence advocates across the state, as well as state legislators and other officials for all of their hard work and dedication to keeping Louisiana families safe at home.

Awards will be presented to advocates, legislators, and public officials in recognition of their efforts to end domestic violence in Louisiana.

Please join us for an evening of appreciation and celebration.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024
7:00p.m. to 9:00p.m.

Hilton Baton Rouge Capitol Center
201 Lafayette St.
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Learn More & Purchase Tickets

Advocates to Gather at Capitol in Support of Shelter Funding

Baton Rouge, LA – April 29, 2024 – Advocates from across Louisiana will gather at the State Capitol at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 1st, to encourage legislators to restore funding for domestic violence shelters in the state budget, and to support laws designed to strengthen protections for domestic violence survivors.


This is an annual Day at the Capitol, hosted by the Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (LCADV). LCADV will have a display table in the Rotunda of the Louisiana State Capitol building from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Advocates and supporters will be speaking with legislators throughout the day to discuss domestic violence in Louisiana and how state funding will affect programs, advocates, and survivors.


On Thursday, the House passed a package of budget bills that restore $7 million in funding for domestic violence shelters. This funding, originally appropriated last year to expand domestic violence shelters and nonresidential services for victims, was cut in Governor Landry’s executive budget. Advocates are hopeful that the final budget will reverse this cut.


“A cut of this magnitude will result in the loss of over 200 shelter beds statewide, and will lead to the elimination of new services, just as they are being established,” said Mariah Wineski, LCADV Executive Director. “It is our hope that the legislature will recognize the urgent need for these services and affirm their commitment to ending domestic violence in Louisiana.”


Louisiana has historically not funded domestic violence shelters with state general funds. A 2021 report from the Louisiana Legislative Auditor found that 90% of funding for domestic violence shelters came from federal sources, and that inconsistent funding contributed to over 2,500 unmet requests for shelter every year. Last year’s $7 million appropriation led to five new domestic violence shelters, six existing shelters expanding capacity, and 11 new outreach offices for nonresidential services. Advocates are hopeful that these services can be sustained, which would require the funding to be appropriated again in this year’s budget.


“The legislature sent a clear message last year by investing in domestic violence services and prioritizing victim safety in the state budget,” said Wineski. “We applaud the House for restoring this funding to the budget this year, and we are hopeful that it will be prioritized through the remainder of the budget process.”


For more information on Domestic Violence Advocacy Day at the Capitol, visit https://www.lcadv.org.

Notice of Federal Funds Availability

Notice is hereby given of the availability of federal funds through the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) U.S. Department of Justice for the FY 2023 STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program


The total amount available is $300,992


If interested in this competitive opportunity, complete a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOI) to submit your proposal. This form is located on the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement (LCLE) website at: https://lcle.la.gov/grants/grant-funding-announcements/


For questions and additional information contact:

Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence
P.O. Box 77308
Baton Rouge, LA 70879


The deadline for submitting a Notice of Intent (NOI) is: January 25, 2024.

Proposals may be considered for approval at the March 2024 Victim Services Advisory Board (LCLE) meeting.

Coalition Secures Landmark Funding Increase for Domestic Violence Shelters

Press Release – Domestic Violence Funding

For Immediate Release: June 9, 2023
Media Contact: Mariah Wineski 225-752-1296

Louisiana’s federally designated network of domestic violence programs, the Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (LCADV), joined advocates statewide in applauding the Louisiana State Legislature for its investment of $7 million in new state funds for domestic violence shelters. The addition of this funding follows many years of advocacy by the Coalition and its member programs to secure sufficient resources to meet the vast need for domestic violence victim services across the state.

Louisiana’s domestic violence shelters provide emergency shelter, safety planning, legal advocacy, housing assistance, and much more to victims of domestic violence and their children. Despite the tremendous efforts of these shelters, who serve more than 14,000 victims of domestic violence each year, the need has vastly outpaced the available resources. A December 2021 report by the Louisiana Legislative Auditor found that Louisiana did not adequately fund domestic violence services, and that more than 2,600 requests for shelter went unmet each year.

Advocates hoped to change that this session, with a coordinated effort to secure the first state general funding for domestic violence shelter services in over a decade, and the first appropriation ever of this magnitude. “We are thrilled that the Legislature has recognized this longstanding unmet need and has appropriated funds to address it,” said Mariah Wineski, LCADV executive director. “We applaud the tremendous effort of advocates and survivors to secure this crucial funding. We look forward to the expansion of services, shelter capacity, and safety resources that will be available as a result.”

Louisiana has long led the nation in the rate of women murdered by men, according to the Violence Policy Center’s annual report, When Men Murder Women: An Analysis of Homicide Data. For years, advocates have pointed to an insufficient safety net for victims as a contributing factor for these persistently high homicide rates. Advocates are hopeful that the addition of these funds will bolster a shelter network that has been badly under-resourced for decades.

Advocates stated in budget hearings this session that they intended to use the extra funding to open new shelters, stabilize staffing at existing shelters, and expand prevention and outreach services.  “This wise investment will save hundreds of lives and provide a pathway to safety, independence, and stability for people escaping abuse,” Wineski said. “We commend the legislature for adding these funds, and we look forward to moving one step closer to a Louisiana free from violence.”


The Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (LCADV) is the statewide network of programs, organizations, and individuals who share the goal of ending domestic violence in Louisiana. LCADV empowers its members and communities through advocacy, education, resource development, and technical assistance. For more information, visit www.lcadv.org.

Notice of Federal Funds Availability

Notice is hereby given of the availability of federal funds through the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) U.S. Department of Justice for the FY 2022 STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program


The total amount available is $251,509


If interested in this competitive opportunity, complete a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOI) to submit your proposal. This form is located on the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement (LCLE) website at: https://lcle.la.gov/grants/grant-funding-announcements/


For questions and additional information contact:

Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence
P.O. Box 77308
Baton Rouge, LA 70879


The deadline for submitting a Notice of Intent (NOI) is: June 30, 2023.

Proposals may be considered for approval at the 9/27/2023 Victim Services Advisory Board (LCLE) meeting.

Coalition Issues Statement on Domestic Violence Shelter Funding

Coalition Issues Statement on Domestic Violence Shelter Funding

For Immediate Release: May 8, 2023
Media Contact: Mariah Wineski 225-752-1296

As Louisiana’s federally designated network of domestic violence programs, the Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (LCADV) joins advocates statewide in urging the Louisiana Legislature to allocate funding for domestic violence shelter services in the state budget.

Louisiana’s domestic violence shelters provide emergency shelter, safety planning, legal advocacy, housing assistance, and much more to victims of domestic violence and their children. These shelters answer over 5,000 crisis calls and provide lifesaving services to more than 14,000 victims of domestic violence each year. Despite these tremendous efforts, the need vastly outpaces the available resources. Louisiana has only 17 domestic violence shelters to serve all 64 parishes. Shelter beds are consistently full, leaving dangerous gaps in safety resources for victims seeking help. Despite this, Louisiana allocates $0 in state general funds to domestic violence shelters.

Advocates are not alone in recognizing that something needs to change. A December 2021 report by the Louisiana Legislative Auditor found that Louisiana does not adequately fund domestic violence services, and recommended that the Legislature allocate funding for this purpose. This report found that more than 2,600 requests for shelter go unmet each year due to lack of capacity. That is more than 7 times per day that a victim needed a shelter bed and could not get one because the beds were full.

That our state would allow these unmet requests to continue, despite having ample funds available to bolster shelter services, is inconsistent with our state’s values. A failure to fund basic services for victims of domestic violence in a state with a domestic homicide rate nearly twice the national average is not only bad policy; it is an abject moral failure and an abdication of our duty to protect the most vulnerable. 

Domestic violence is an issue that has plagued our state for decades. It has torn apart families, orphaned thousands of Louisiana children, and left victims to rely on a safety net that is dangerously under-resourced. This legislative session, Louisiana has a tremendous opportunity to change our state’s direction, save hundreds of lives, and promote healing and safety for victims of violence.

We call on the Louisiana Legislature to amend the state budget to add an appropriation of $15 million to the Family Violence Prevention Program in the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). We must take this rare opportunity to build an adequate safety infrastructure for victims in immediate danger. This wise investment will save hundreds of lives and provide a pathway to safety, independence, and stability for people escaping abuse.

The Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (LCADV) is the statewide network of programs, organizations, and individuals who share the goal of ending domestic violence in Louisiana. LCADV empowers its members and communities through advocacy, education, resource development, and technical assistance. For more information, visit www.lcadv.org.

LCADV Statement – Domestic Violence Funding

Advocates to Convene at Capitol to Support Domestic Violence Shelter Funding

Advocates from across Louisiana will gather at the State Capitol at 9:00a.m. on Wednesday, May 3rd, to encourage legislators to support funding for domestic violence shelters in the state budget, as well as laws that strengthen protections for domestic violence victims.

This Day at the Capitol, hosted by the Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (LCADV), will feature a display table in the Rotunda of the Louisiana State Capitol building from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and a gathering on the Capitol Steps at 9:00 a.m. Advocates and supporters will be speaking with legislators throughout the day to discuss domestic violence in Louisiana and how funding and legislation can affect shelters and survivors.

The Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (LCADV) has been involved in efforts to request an appropriation of state funds to the Family Violence Program within the Department of Children and Family Services, which funds domestic violence shelters statewide. In 2021, the Louisiana Legislative Auditor released a report, “Challenges in Louisiana’s Efforts to Address Domestic Violence,” recommending that the state appropriate more consistent funding for domestic violence victim services. Currently, the state does not appropriate any state general fund dollars to this purpose. Advocates say this lack of funding contributes to high domestic homicide rates.

“Domestic violence is an issue that affects far too many Louisiana citizens. We have an opportunity to change our state’s trajectory and save hundreds of lives by investing in a stable safety net for victims,” said Mariah Wineski, LCADV Executive Director. “Domestic violence shelters have been drastically underfunded in Louisiana for years, and victims end up paying the price.”

The Legislative Auditor’s report highlighted gaps in services for victims statewide due to lack of funding, including an average of 2,659 unmet requests for shelter beds per year during fiscal years 2015-2020.  “There is no way we can turn away 2,600 requests for shelter and say nothing needs to change,” Wineski said. “It is past time for Louisiana to provide adequate funding for victim services, and we urge the legislature to make this important investment.”

For more information on the upcoming Domestic Violence Advocacy Day at the Capitol, visit https://lcadv.org/2023-day-at-the-capitol/.


DATC Press Release 2023

Statement Regarding United States v. Rahimi Ruling

As Louisiana’s federally designated domestic violence coalition, the Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (LCADV) strongly condemns the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals’ ruling in United States v. Rahimi, which strikes down a federal law prohibiting those subject to a domestic violence protective order from possessing firearms. In its ruling, the Court found that disarming domestic abuse perpetrators, who have been found by a court to pose a credible threat to the safety of their victims, does not “fit within our Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.” This reliance on the historical acceptance of domestic violence recklessly places victims in extreme danger.

While its implications are broad, this decision addresses the constitutionality of only one specific federal statute, 18 USC 922(g)(8). Those with certain domestic violence-related convictions, and those subject to a domestic abuse protection order remain prohibited from possessing firearms under Louisiana state law, which this ruling does not strike down. Further, this ruling does not affect areas outside the jurisdiction of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals (Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi).

As we work to analyze the exact impact this ruling will have on victims in Louisiana, we remember the many victims of domestic violence in our state who have been killed by their abuser with a firearm. In 2020, 74% of female victims of intimate partner homicide in Louisiana were killed with firearms. We know that domestic violence and firearms are a deadly combination, and we call on courts and law enforcement across Louisiana to enforce and strengthen Louisiana’s state-level domestic violence firearm prohibitions in light of this ruling.

LCADV remains dedicated to bringing about change in our institutions, laws, politics, attitudes, and beliefs which will allow individuals to live free of violence. Local domestic violence programs across Louisiana remain available to help domestic violence victims find safety and legal protections from abuse. Survivors in need of assistance can contact Louisiana’s statewide domestic violence hotline at 1-888-411-1333, or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233, for free, confidential support.

LCADV Statement – US v Rahimi

Domestic Violence Coalition Celebrates 40 Years of Advocacy

2022 marks 40 years since the incorporation of the state’s network of domestic violence advocacy organizations, Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (LCADV). The anniversary comes at a time when domestic violence is surging across the state, underscoring the importance of the Coalition and its member programs. LCADV is an advocacy organization whose membership consists of organizations, programs, and individuals working to end domestic violence in Louisiana. Its core membership consists of 16 community-based organizations that provide a wide array of services to survivors of domestic violence. The Coalition is also the leading voice for domestic violence advocacy across the state, providing statewide education campaigns, legislative advocacy, and targeted training for professionals.

LCADV will commemorate the milestone with a year-long campaign throughout 2022. Its commemorative events will feature a $40 for 40 giving campaign, several regional pop-up luncheons for domestic violence advocates, an ongoing call for story submissions, and a celebratory banquet in November. “We have a rich history, full of memories and experiences that have shaped the movement to end domestic violence in Louisiana,” said Mariah Wineski, executive director of LCADV. “We celebrate our 40th year in a position of strength and unity. What a wonderful opportunity to reflect on our movement’s history and chart a course for its future.”

Just last month, the Louisiana Legislative Auditor released a report addressing current challenges in Louisiana’s response to domestic violence, many of which the Coalition is actively working to address. The report found insufficient funding for domestic violence services, sporadic enforcement of existing laws to protect victims, and a lack of oversight for services provided to abuse perpetrators, among other deficiencies. “We have so much work to do in order to create a safer environment for Louisiana families,” Wineski said. “We move into the future ready to address these challenges with creativity and commitment.” More information on LCADV’s 40th anniversary, including an interactive timeline of accomplishments and ways to support their work, can be found at https://lcadv.org/lcadv-celebrates-40-years-of-impact/


Coalition Celebrates 40 Years Press Release


Notice of Federal Funds Availability

Notice is hereby given of the availability of federal funds through the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) U.S. Department of Justice FY 2021 STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program.

If interested in this competitive opportunity, complete a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOI) to submit your proposal. This form is located on the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement (LCLE) website at: http://www.lcle.la.gov/programs/funding.asp

For questions and additional information contact:

Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Web Site: www.lcadv.org

Contact Info: info[at]lcadv.org


The first deadline for submitting a Notice of Intent (NOI) is: October 22, 2021

Proposals may be considered for approval at the March, 2022 Victim Services Advisory Board (LCLE) meeting.