The Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence is the federally designated statewide coalition of shelters, non-residential programs and individuals working to end domestic violence in Louisiana. Our programs serve people from everywhere in Louisiana and who come from all backgrounds. We oppose violence as a means of control over others and support equality in relationships.

We represent rural, urban and suburban areas. Our programs support and involve battered women and children of all racial, social, ethnic, religious and economic groups, ages and lifestyles.

Coalitions work at the statewide level and serve four main purposes.  We provide training and technical assistance to local member programs and allies.  In partnership with our programs we create social change around the issue of violence against women through public education, awareness and task groups.  We act as the lead organizer on public policy issues at the state and federal level.  We support our programs by advocating for funding and assisting in the administration of funds, primarily those provided by state and federal government funding.

All services are provided regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, or disability status.

Our Mission

To eliminate domestic violence through public education, systems change, social change, and public policy. To promote and strengthen quality comprehensive services for member programs and all individuals affected by domestic violence.

The Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (LCADV) is a statewide network of programs, organizations, and individuals who share the goal of ending domestic violence in Louisiana. LCADV empowers its members and communities through advocacy, education, resource development, and technical assistance.

Our Vision  

LCADV is dedicated to bringing about change in our institutions, laws, politics, attitudes, and beliefs which will allow individuals to live free of violence.




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